2017-4.29~5.1 赋石骑车+皮筏艇 Biking and Kayaking Fushi
【出发时间】4.29 上午7点出发
【Departure Time】 April 29th
【ReturnTime】May 1th
【Fee】RMB 1500
2017-5.13~5.14 莫干山 Moganshan
【出发时间】周五晚 19:30出发
【Departure Time】19:00 Friday Night
【Return Time】Back to Shanghai after breakfast on Sunday
【Fee】RMB 1000
2017-5.20~5.21 龙王山Longwangshan
【出发时间】周五晚 19:30出发
【Departure Time】19:00 Friday Night
【Return Time】Back to Shanghai after breakfast on Sunday
【Fee】RMB 1000
2017-5.27~5.28 四明山 Simingshan
【出发时间】周五晚 19:30出发
【Departure Time】19:00 Friday Night
【Return Time】Back to Shanghai after breakfast on Sunday
【Fee】RMB 1000
免责条款 Exceptions Clause
户外运动具有一定的危险性,每位参加者必须清楚自己的能力并掌控所使用的器械,对活动可能产生的危险和伤害,包括自己可能承受的以及自己可能带给他人的,均已做了充分了解和审慎评估,在完全自愿的情况下参加本俱乐部活动。俱乐部的活动不以盈利为目的,我们提供的服务是指导性的服务,收取的费用仅为向导和代办性质的费用。活动中的所有服务不带有任何强制性,每位参加者出于安全的考虑,随时可以选择放弃自认为无法完成的动作或路线,我们对于活动过程中的 伤亡不承担任何责任。每位参加者自行承担全部风险和责任,无权仅基于我们的服务对在活动过程中的人身伤亡和财产损失向俱乐部及向导要求赔偿和追偿。 每位参加活动者必须购买相关保险,并向俱乐部出示相关材料才可参加活动。
The outdoor activity always remains certain unforseeable danger and risks. The club tours are not profitable. All the attendees are suggested to estimate their health condition and ability with caution. Proper insurance package is mandatory. You should be responsible for the accidents that happened in the event.
费用 Fees and Payment
The activity fee is included transportation, accommodation, three meals per day (the ticket for sightseeing spots and other personal expense are excluded.
交通 Transportation
The club activity mainly departure from Shanghai via private van, Attendees can choose other means of transportation. The extra expense of transportation is excluded.
集合地点 Meeting Point
No.929 Zhong Shan Nan Er Lu, Friend Cycling Store (close to South of Wan Ping Road)
骑迹户外 Prodigy outdoor
上海市黄浦区淮海中路833号人民坊1号楼3D (地铁1号线陕西南路站4号出口)
3D, building 1, 833 Huai Hai Zhong Rd. Shanghai.
Tel: 13801662710(阿元)
Email: go@mtb.com.cn